
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Our FUNSpace Year-End Report: Things Learned

It’s already nearing the end of the year and we’re sharing our updates for the year: finance, personals, online programs and blogging.

Financial Literacy: Update as of 23 December 2009.

Just finished reading Kiyosaki’s – Rich Dad’s Increase Your Financial IQ book. I think everyone should read it, learned things I didn’t know about “MONEY”. Anyway, one of the points raised – Financial IQ number 1- Increase Your Income. The immediate way I know of how to do this is through Internet Marketing or Online programs. As early as April since this FUN Space was born, I started reading and researching programs that could generate some additional income. I found good ones, bad ones and SCAM programs. I lost some money in some of the programs, I’m sure many who have been searching lost some money a way or another. But I also earned some nickels – about Php 2600++ in pesos or that is just about 53 dollars... relatively small, but I know I’ll get there. Just recently I have read an article which may help me increase traffic to our FUN Space and maybe increase our earnings. I’ll try that out first then I’ll write about it when it works. I am continuously learning about web marketing and at the same time having FUN blogging.

Based on Tutel’s accounting, our savings target for the year is on target. Thanks to Tutel who ensures that “We pay ourselves first” before anything else. Have read several books about Personal Finance, and this is the first rule. You just have to stick to it. We are thinking of temporarily investing it to an Equity Fund which will be our 2nd “investment’ with BDO.

Peso Balanced Fund (UITF - Unit Investment Trust Fund)
So far, our “investment” with BDO has an unrealized gain of 13.56%. Not bad compared if we just let the money sit on a savings account earning 5% annually.

Credits and Loans.
2010 would be the step-up year for us. 3 of my credits loans and card) will be completely paid and only one would be remaining unpaid. The additional cash used for paying the previous credits will now form part of our savings, until we find a good profitable investment.


6000+ visitors and still counting. 26 followers. I don’t know how many times I re-oriented the widgets, advertising and banners… in one of my read through, it said that continuously improving your blog would make it easier to be crawled. Meta tag analyzer says that our blog is over 96% good in terms of tags and content, hopefully this would increase our hits. We managed to get our blog to first page in the search list for search word "Our Funspace" in the Philippines! Horay! Our next objective is to get to the first page of the Web search for search word FUNSPACE.

We are now on Twitter:

Thanks for our friends who are continuously reading our posts.  Enjoy the Holidays and GOD Speed to everyone.  Have a great year to all :)


  1. Great info. Thanks for keeping your fingers on the pulse. You have some good tips here which I will share with my girls.

    All the best in the new year! P

  2. Hi Philly5113,

    Appreciate your comment. Anyway, hope that you and your girls got the time to gather for the holidays.

    Wishing also the best of the new year!

    -Darnel and Tutel


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