
Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Today, is exactly 4 months since Tutel's brother died from a tragic motorcycle accident.

For months, I still see her crying at night on some occasions, lighting candles on our altar... and whispers a prayer.

It's hard to see her like this. I am here for her. I'm here to tell her that her brother is now in a peaceful place where there is no pain, where there are no tears to shed, no heartaches to bear... he is somewhere where there is only love, and he is now HAPPY... Let go.

She asks, "how do we know that our departed loved ones are really there?"

I replied, "When Butterflies Visit You".

She said, "how could you say?".

I smiled and said, "It's when my grandparents visits our family when we gather together".

(Butterfly picture was our "visitor" two days ago, it was gone when we woke up the next morning).


  1. Supersitions like that are often true.

    Some say that if a black butterfly comes into your house, someone will die. You have to take it out immediately. And some say that when a white butterfly is around you, it's actually a soul :)

    It's good that your with her everytime :)

    Oh btw, thanks for the follow and for the review :)

  2. I am sorry for your loss and I love that you said butterflies visit when one dies, for my family birds seem to visit us on our windowsill. But please know your loved one is in a much happier place just awaiting the day when you'll see him again. All my best to you and yours and hang in there, time really does make it easier.

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